terms of service

• I take payment through PayPal ONLY
• Payment must be sent all up front <3
• The artwork is only refundable during the sketching phase, UNLESS I can't finish the commission for whatever reason.
• Please do not rush or push me to finish it sooner. If you would like it to be done by a certain date, you have to pay +$5.
•I own the right to the art and have the right to post any commission on my socials and stuff like that. Please inform me if you don't want the commission posted because you're waiting to debut, is a gift, etc.• Do not claim the commission as your own art.• CREDIT THE ARTIST.• Do not re-distribute my art.do not use the artwork for anything that applies to the section below unless you have talked to me and payed +half of the original price. (a $20 artwork with any of the below applying would add +$10, etc.)• Using the art for merch
• Using the art for a business/website
• Using the art for Commercial Use

WIll draw

• OCs
• Pre-Existing Characters
• Roblox Avatars
• Minecraft Skins
• Any Gender

wont draw

• Anything that makes me uncomfortable (triggering subjects, homophobia, hateful art, racism, etc...)
• Heavy Gore
• Mecha/Heavy Armor
• Extreme details
• Muscles
• Old people
• Furries

art portfolio

These are examples of my art and commissions I have done for people before. There is a watermark on every single one because this is not your artwork, it is mine.

my discord

You are about to enter Audrey's discord server. If you are looking to commission him, please find the channel that says "Commissions Tickets" and create a ticket. Explain what commission you would like as well as your reference photos. Audrey will contact you through DMs shortly afterwards.